Journaling for Stress and Anxiety
At the time of this article’s writing, the world is embroiled in a historic viral pandemic the likes of which we’ve only seen once or twice in human history. Almost
At the time of this article’s writing, the world is embroiled in a historic viral pandemic the likes of which we’ve only seen once or twice in human history. Almost
Joy is a funny thing--it’s not something that you can really find directly. It can even seem like the more we want it, the less of it we find. This
Public speaking is an awesome way to share what you’re passionate about with others, but it can also be pretty intimidating. Personally, I love giving speeches on topics that I’m
We asked people why they Journal, here are the top 7 reasons they gave… I’m sure I’m not the first person to tell you this, and I’m definitely not the first
Performance anxiety is a common issue for a lot of Americans (approximately 20 percent, in fact). Whether they’re taking a test, getting ready to deliver a presentation at work, or
When we are hard on ourselves in moments of suffering, we are sending a message that being imperfect is abnormal and we’re forgetting the fact that life is imperfection.